Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's My Birthday, It's My Birthday...

Another year and I'm older again. There's a saying about one getting wiser as we get older. I just don't think that applies to me. The getting-wiser part that is.
So, how did I spend my birthday this year?
Well, working.
Monday, September 21 : I was dubbing as usual. And, as always, it took me 'til the wee hours of the next morning before I finally got home. Past 3 a.m. to be exact. At least the nice thing about spending your birthday working was that I was with people that I liked. And we did have lots of food, as well as two birthday cakes!
I didn't start my (birth)day on the right foot so to speak come Tuesday. I was stuck in traffic for an hour! Along this stretch of road that only takes ten minutes to get to my place of business. And this was at 5:30 in the damn morning!! So, I was late for my sign-on shift at Dream-FM for about thirty minutes. Damn.
After my radio stint, it was dubbing again as usual.
10:30 p.m. : I finally made up my mind and decided that I did not want to spend the last hour of my birthday working. So I cut short my dubbing and went to Makati to catch the last full show of "The Ugly Truth".
After the movie, it turned out that my birthday celebration wasn't over yet. I texted my dubbing supervisor and she and I, as well as several other dubbers, went out videoke-ing. Too bad we only had about an hour and a half to do our singing because the joint was going to close at 4 a.m. We managed to squeeze in a lot of songs in the amount of time we had and had a lot of alcohol as well. But because we (or rather, I) drank a little too quickly, I got hammered rather fast. Fortunately, though, I didn't look I was drunk (I wasn't slurring and I was still able to walk a straight line). Here's the "funny" thing -- after our videoke and drinking session, I went to (a) McDonald's (at the Shell station in Ortigas) to have breakfast (this was around past 5 in the morning) - I also distinctly remember calling my best friend as I was on the road (I don't exactly know what for, or what I was thinking, but, knowing me, it was probably nothing decent - hehe) - and, upon parking, my head was spinning so much that I could not help it -- I felt I was gonna hurl chunks! Thank Gawd I had a couple of plastic bags lying around in the car and within reach! Because I couldn't get up and get out of my car at that point. After throwing up, I felt drained and couldn't help myself that I decided I would take a nap. It turned out that nap would be a lot longer than I had anticipated, as I woke up almost 9:30 in the morning. Yikes. Man, I am so thankful that my Honda Civic is tinted. And even more grateful that no one tapped on my car's window and had my thrown outta there.
I did have breakfast afterwards. At McDonald's like I planned.
Happy birthday to me.
'Nuff said.

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