Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sporty Changes

I've never been a fan of soccer. When I try to watch a game, I can't stay glued for more than a minute or so. I get pretty frustrated because of how long it takes for someone to score a goal! Besides a usually slow-scoring game, soccer has also often been a low-scoring sport. For me, (watching) soccer is more exciting or interesting if I'm watching the highlight reels. Anyway, I found out yesterday that two big names in the world of soccer will no longer be playing for their ball club. Both players are (still/currently) with Real Madrid. The first one is Brazilian kicker Ronaldo, who is supposedly getting "transferred" to another team come end of January. But, according to Real Madrid's sporting director, they're not letting go of Ronaldo so easily and for free. The other Real Madrid player is midfielder and former England captain David Beckham who, without a doubt, is probably one if not the most popular player in soccer. Beckham has recently signed up with American soccer club L.A. Galaxy for a whopping 250 MILLION DOLLAR contract!...although, Pedrag Mijatovic (Real Madrid's sporting director) insisted that Beckahm must first finish his remaining six months of his contract (this follows reports that Beckham has requested an early release to join his new club).
Frankly speaking, I don't get what the big deal is with David Beckham. I guess I say that because I've never really seen him play. Sure, he was probably one of the main reasons as to why his former team Manchester United won a championship several years ago -- but I feel that he's one of those ridiculously over payed players. For me, he's mostly all hype. Incidentally, Real Madrid hasn't won a championship title since signing up Beckham four years ago. Coincidence?

More changes in the world of sports...

In the NBA, the most recent being Chris Webber becoming a free agent and signing up with the Detroit Pistons. I guess, at his age, he just wants to play for a ball club that might give him the NBA championship ring that he's been dreaming of for quite some time now.
Former Sixers teammate of Webber, Allen Iverson, has been traded as some of you (reading) probably know. When I think of the Philadelphia 76ers, I think of Iverson, and vice versa. So it's strange trying to imagine him in a different uniform (I haven't had the chance yet to watch a Nuggets game with Iverson on the 'tube), playing for a different team. But players getting traded is something that happens in the game of basket ball (or any other sport for that matter). And just like Webber, Iverson isn't exactly getting any younger and most likely wants to win that championship ring that's eluded him since his stint with the Sixers, who either perform poorly every season, or end up short in the playoffs (despite having a good start and/or playing well in the season). I just don't quite get why Iverson went to or chose the Denver Nuggets (no offense to the team or those who like them). Maybe he thought that he's got a (better) chance (now), what with the Nuggets having the league's leading scorer Carmelo Anthony in their team roster.

On the rumor mill : there are talks that Pau Gasol (of the Memphis Grizzlies) will request to be traded to another team. And that team may just be the Chicago Bulls. Even though there have been talks between the two organizations, Grizzlies team president Jerry West says that they're not giving up Gasol (despite reports that the Memphis organization has grown a bit dissatisfied with Gasol's performance as of late).

'Nuff said.

My Love for The Game

My love for (American) football only started about six years ago. It began accidentally when I went to check out a friend's pad in Makati (she was in the 'States and she had asked me to watch over her condo - water her plants, that sorta thing). I decided I'd check out what was showing on the boob tube while I was there, and, after doing a little channel-surfing, came upon ESPN. Apparently, it was Superbowl 36, and the two teams vying for the Vince Lombardi trophy that year were the New England Patriots and the St.Louis Rams. I wasn't familiar with either of the two teams, let alone the sport of football. Usually, I would root for the underdog -- but, in this case, because I didn't know either team, I picked the Patriots cuz I liked their name (it wasn't as if I could check their stats or something at that particular time). I don't remember exactly the details surrounding their Superbowl game, only that it was exciting. I was hooked. And the Pats won.

...Pats QB Tom Brady...

Fast forward to 2007. I still don't exactly know everything about the game (such as the rules, etc). I'm actually not even familiar with most of the (foot)ball clubs in the league (NFL, or National Football League). Nor do I know what positions fill up a certain team, or what they do (except for the quarterback, who clearly runs the plays), who the players and coaches are (what respective teams they belong to). The only thing I'm certain about is that the New England Patriots is my favorite team in the NFL, and next would be the Indiana Colts (because the Pats and Colts currently have, in my book, the best quarterbacks in the league).

...the mighty Brady still manages to get off a shot...

It's not the first time that these two ball clubs have met in the playoffs. Watching the NFL the past few years has given me the impression that they are (or have become) arch rivals for the AFC championship(s). But the Pats have had more luck in reaching the Superbowl, as they had won 3 in the last six years. And, once again, New England faces off with Indiana. Clearly, the Patriots were the ones highly-favored to win. For one thing, their quarterback Tom Brady has had plenty of playoffs (and Superbowl) experience, as opposed to Colts QB Peyton Manning. And it did look that way, as the Patriots took a commanding lead in the first quarter and pretty much dominated the first half of the game. But towards the end of the second quarter, Manning and the Colts found their rhythm, and things turned around for them, as the momentum shifted in favor of Indiana. The Pats weren't doing so bad, but it was clear, particularly in the third quarter, that they lost some steam, and that Colts were the ones poised to win the game. The outcome became crystal clear by the fourth quarter as Indiana finally took the lead for the first time, with only about a minute remaining. New England refused to go out quietly into the night so to speak, and even though things really looked bleak at this point, Brady (who's gotten the reputation of being a comeback king, as he has, time and time again, against seemingly insurmountable odds, delivered heartbreaking losses to an opposing team) was going to try to do the impossible.
Unfortunately ...things were exactly that. Impossible. Tom Brady is still only human after all. The second pass he did during the last few seconds was intercepted and that pretty much spelled the end for New England's dream of winning another Superbowl and trying to create a sort-of NFL dynasty.
Superbowl 41 happens in a couple of weeks, and it will be (my) Indiana Colts going up against the Chicago Bears. Several NFL records were set this season as well. With their playoffs win over the Pats, the Colts have made NFL history by having the biggest comeback in a playoffs game (they were down by 18 points). And their coach, Tony Dungy, as well as the Chicago Bears' (coach), Lovie Smith, are the first African American coaches to ever reach the Superbowl. As for how many times both teams have gone to the big game, I believe that the Colts have never made the trip; while the Chicago Bears went to and won the Superbowl twenty years ago, against New England.
I'm looking forward to an historic and exciting Superbowl 41 come February.

...Colts QB Peyton Manning...


'Nuff said.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Still can't sleep, so I might as well...

The things you do when you're still awake and can't really do anything...(and it's most likely because I slept at 9am yesterday, and slept for thirteen frickin' hours)...

After I got done with posting a new entry on this blog a few hours ago, I was watching the Ellen DeGeneres Show (love 'er).
I actually hadn't eaten anything since yesterday, and so my tummy was rumbling and wishing that I fill it up with some grub. So I went to the 24-hour joint that I usually go to, which was Tapa King along Libis (near Eastwood actually). There are only two other places that I go to during the wee hours of the morning when I'm awake and hungry, which are also open 24 hours, and they're Chow King and/or Jollibee (at the Shell station at the corner of Ortigas Avenue). I had my usual of corned beef, scrambled egg, plain rice, a can of Pepsi (would've been a large iced tea, which I usually have, but they didn't have iced tea), extra plain rice and extra scrambled egg, and an extra Pepsi. Real healthy breakfast, huh? Hehe.
Sometimes if I want to really stuff myself silly with food, I go to Something Fishy, for their breakfast buffet (everyday from midnight 'til 10am).
There's also Tropical Hut in Pioneer. But that's the very last option for me.
Again, real healthy eating lifestyle, huh?

The moment I got home, it was back to watching more tv (but I am hoping that I get to fall asleep in a bit, because I've got a dubbing gig in a few hours).
Letterman was on, and he had, as guests, Tina Fey (former cast member of Saturday Night Live and currently starring in the NBC series 30 Rock - a funny gal, I like her) and the late Steve Irwin's wife (Terri) and daughter (Bindy). I have to say that Bindy is SO adorable. Her passion for animals rivals that of her late dad. If I ever get married and have a daughter, I sure hope she gets to be as lovable as Bindy.

While watching the 'tube, I decided to try creating a blog on my own. And I managed to do it (clap clap for me - hehe)! I know that this is probably not a big deal, but it is for me, considering that I'm an idiot when it comes to these things.
I started thinking of creating a blog where I could specifically rant and rave about movies that I've seen or will go see, because I thought I'd rather not have this blog be filled mostly with my (attempt at doing) "movie reviews".

I'm now glued to ESPN, watching the game between the Indiana Pacers and Miami Heat.
I really hope I get to fall asleep in awhile...

'Nuff said.

The Return of American Idol

Week One for American Idol season six is done. Like every season, besides the talents they discover, the show is filled with the usual untalented and/or freakish people. And just when you think that the weird ones that (will) appear on the current season won’t top the ones from the previous year, you’re always surprised. And what always surprises me about these strange ones, as well as the untalented ones, is the fact that they think they’re normal, or talented. They come in dressed as, say, Apollo Creed (the character played by Carl Weathers in the Rocky movies), and they expect to be taken seriously by the judges. And about the untalented ones? What surprises me about them is when they’d brag about their “credentials” (e.g. that they’ve been singing in a choir or what not for so and so years, is a vocal coach, can hit several notes, etc), and when they “let loose”, you’d go “wooaah!” -- and you ask yourself “how the heck did YOU become a vocal coach?!”, or something. And most of them are real sore losers. When they’re not given the “golden ticket” to Hollywood by Simon and company, they’d be cursing and saying how the judges don’t know what they’re talking about blah blah blah. Then there are the ones who always make up excuses for their lack of talent -- that they need water, they’re sick, blah blah blah. Of course, when they’re given water or take a bathroom break (IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR AUDITION), nothing changes -- they’re still untalented. But what does make me feel sorry is when the nice ones turn out to be untalented (e.g. this Asian stay-at-home mom who went to audition, even if her seems-like-a-dork-of-a-husband told her not to because she’s just wasting her time). It’s too early at this stage to tell as to who’ll be the next American Idol, but I just have to say that I was impressed by the attitude of this Indian kid who auditioned with his sister. His sister was pretty cocky and kept saying that she was the one who was more talented than her brother, which, honestly, did seem that way. Because, for one thing, her brother looked so sheepish and unhip and, frankly, didn’t look the least bit talented. Well, compared to his sister. So when she got in, I was worried. If he didn’t get in, man, THAT would have been awkward, especially given that their entire family was there. And I’m sure that he would never hear the end of it from his sister. So, to my delight, he DID get in. And what made me even happier about it was that, according to Simon, HE was even better than his sister (he didn’t exactly “jump out of his seat” when the sister sang and told her that there was nothing unique about her). But the best part? When Ryan (Seacrest) asked him who the judges thought was the better singer between him and his sister, he just politely smiled and said “I’d rather not say” (of course, his sister knew the answer to Ryan’s question, based on the look on her face when the camera quickly zoomed in on her for her reaction). Like I said – awkward…! That’s why I’ve always felt that siblings shouldn’t work together, shouldn’t have the same kind of profession, etc. Uh… but then again, this is just the way I feel, simply because my brother(s) and I can’t be in the same room together, have the same job, etc.
Something that my best friend Gwynnie pointed out about the show is how mean it can be sometimes, and that we (the viewers) are just as mean. That’s true. It’s human nature, whether we want to admit it or not -- we (or most of us) want or have the tendency to make fun of others. American Idol gives us “license” to do just that. Something we can’t do (or is ashamed to do) so blatantly out in public. It’s different when you’re at home, when nobody’s watching and nobody’s there to judge or criticize you. Of course, I’m not saying that we go out and make fun of other people, I’m just saying that AI also serves as a guilty pleasure if you will, in the sense that it satisfies the craving(?) to laugh at other people. Case in point : a guy named "Red" auditioned and he "sang" Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. Randy and Paula couldn't help themselves from breaking out in laughter (and I was laughing so damn hard myself). Like Simon said : "It was... inhuman".
On to Week Two…
‘Nuff said.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Besides tv, watching movies is also one of the things I’m into as a means of relaxation, and every year, at the start of the New Year, I usually try to get my movie-watching for the year started on a high or good note, so to speak. Unfortunately, this year, it would seem that I haven’t had much luck. When ’07 clocked in, when foreign movies finally opened, there really wasn’t anything interesting to see, so I waited for a little over a week before I finally went out to go watch a movie. Actually, I wanted to wait a little longer, but it had been a week, and I wanted to go see something. Anything. It was slim pickings.

ERAGON. It was my first movie for 2007. And I wish I’d seen something else. But then again, it was the best pick in the litter. I already knew that this wasn’t going to be good the moment I saw the trailer last year. Even the title for the movie -- blech. I mean, sure, it was the name of the lead character, but still…! Speaking of the title character, the actor who plays him, and, incidentally, makes his film debut -Edward Speelers- was so squeaky clean! While everyone around him were either so dirty or had SOME dirt on their face or clothing, he looked as if he was a member of some boy band. It also doesn’t help that he can't exactly act. I especially found this certain look (or reaction) he had at some scenes when he would react to something or someone (saying something), irritating. Actually, the movie wasn’t all THAT bad (it probably helped that the trailers already conditioned me into thinking that this was going to suck), but one helping of it was enough for me. The ending would suggest a sequel. But, considering how much money this movie made – NOT – I don’t think we’re going to see one. Then again, Underworld (starring my hot mama Kate Beckinsale) underperformed at the box-office, but it had been touted as a trilogy, and a second movie was still made (as I’m sure a third one will).

BLOOD DIAMOND. A bit long and tiring. Tiring because of the subject matter. I’m an idiot when it comes to a lot of things, so I didn’t realize just HOW serious the problem was with conflict diamonds, or what was going on at Sierra Leon, etc – and the message of just HOW serious things were was ingrained into the minds of the audience, as almost every scene was quite painfully portrayed. And it’s in that aspect that makes it pretty tiring to sit through this movie (the length also doesn’t help).

GRIFFIN AND PHOENIX. Another title that was hokey for me. But, after Blood Diamond, I wanted to see something more uplifting. Well, it was either this or some Jackie Chan movie called “Rob B Hood”. Duh. (Okay, so maybe I’ll still go see that movie just the same, if it was still showing in theaters and I have nothing else to watch) I’ve never seen the trailer to this one, so I checked out the poster and the movie apparently starred Dermot Mulroney and one of my favorite pretty gals, Amanda Peet. I assumed that this was a romantic comedy. If not a comedy, then it was a love story for sure. Well, I found out, a comedy it definitely was not. Neither was it uplifting. The premise? It was about two people who face a seemingly insurmountable obstacle that stand between them and a last chance at love. From the get-go, you already know how this is going to end, and so it makes it difficult to root for the leads, inspite of their otherwise very positive outlook on things. It does have its moments, but I honestly feel that the movie probably could have been much better at the hands of a more able director (it was helmed by first-time director Ed Stone). Maybe. At least the songs that appeared in the flick were pretty nice.

Like I said, still no luck. Fortunately, there are new movies out this week, including Déjà vu (starring Denzel Washington) and, I think, Night At The Museum (with Ben Stiller). Hopefully, I'll get to see my first good movie for the year this week.
‘Nuff said.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Couch Potato

I am a certified couch potato. And I'm not going to deny that. I'll watch almost anything and everything on the boob tube. And I do. Like everyone who watches tv, I also watch what I call the "predictable" or "popular ones" (meaning shows that everyone mostly likely watches as well, such as Friends - probably one of my all-time favorites - Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens, 24, Alias, House, Prison Break, etc). But then, there are some good shows (that air here anyway) that methinks don't get enough credit. Or shows that I think other should also be watching (well, maybe some of them you already do).

ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. Unfortunately, not a lot of (or enough) people DID watch this show. One of the FUNNIEST shows that was cancelled last year. It's about the Bluth Family. Michael (Jason Bateman) is a widower, with a son named George Michael (even that name's funny), who is forced to keep his dysfunctional family together after his father (Jeffrey Tambor) is arrested for shifty accounting practices at the family-owned conglomerate and the family assets are frozen. Michael's snobbish mother (Jessica Walter) finds her alone in a penthouse without the financial means to maintain it, while Michael's two brothers, GOB (Wil Arnett) -whose name isn't pronounced as it's spelled- and Buster (Tony Hale), and his sister Lindsay (Portia DeRossi) with her husband Tobias (David Cross) -who's got a fear of being naked- and her daughter Maebe (Alia Shawkat) also find themselves having to recreate their lifestyles to fit their new financial status. Even though it's been cancelled, at least I still get to watch it over (the local cable channel) Jack TV. Definitely will go down in the annals of tv history as a cult show.

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. Like 24 (and Alias during its first 3 seasons), this is one show that, for me, once you get started on watching one episode, you won't be able to help yourself from watching and watching and watching -- you have to find out what happens in the next episode, because it always/usually ends in a cliffhanger (I have the first 11 episodes of the current season thanks to downloads courtesy of LD, and talk about a cliffhanger, that's exaclty how the 11th episode ended -- and now I'm holding my breath anxiously and craving for the last several episodes that are yet to air in the 'States). Apparently, several attempts had been made to revive BG, but to no avail until it was re imagined in December of 2003. It actually started as a three-hour miniseries on the Sci-Fi Channel in the U.S., and it was so successful that they opted to turn it into a series. There have been several changes made to the '78 sci-fi show, the biggest and most controversial one being the character Starbuck's change in gender (the original Starbucks was played by the A-Team's Dirk Benedict). Local cable channel Crime-Suspense has recently started airing the series (if I'm not mistaken, they're only into the second part of the tv-movie pilot), and here's hoping that people 'round here will get into the series.

THE CLOSER. The first time Crime-Suspense aired the entire first season, I ignored it, because I'm not really a fan of Kyra Sedgwick, and the merchandising plugs produced by CS weren't the least bit interesting. But then, one night, when there was nothing else I could watch on the 'tube, I was channel-surfing and came across The Closer and decided to sit through the episode. It was actually quite good. Ever since then, I was hooked. Sedgwick is Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, a police detective who is transferred from Atlanta to Los Angeles to head up a special unit of the LAPD that handles sensitive, high profile murder cases. Despite a tendency to step on people's toes, she manages to convert even her strongest adversaries in the police force with her unique ability to get the truth (hence, "The Closer"). Like the tv series Veronica Mars, The Closer is one of the few shows that I've seen that is headlined by a strong, intelligent female character. And another thing I like about the show, besides excellent story lines, is the very diverse set of characters that comprise her Priority Homicide Squad (originally called the Priority Murder Squad, but the name was changed after a funny scene where Brenda gets her squad's stationary with the abbreviation for her task force's name).

AMERICAN DAD. As I said, I'll watch almost anything and everything on the boob tube. And this is one of 'em. Don't be fooled by the fact that it's a cartoon -- it's definitely not for the kids. The humor is very adult (and I don't mean that in a porno kind of way) and it is frickin' funny! Every week, AD has me laughing in stitches.

There are actually more not-so-popular shows that I watch, but I'll tell you all about it a future post.
Certified couch potato. And proud of it, baby.
'Nuff said.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Yesterday had been a very long day for me. And it's not exactly over just yet, because I'm still wide awake. Just got done emailing. Currently editing songs in/for my iPod, and watching the boob tube at the same time (it's the NFC/AFC Divisional Playoffs : earlier was between the Baltimore Ravens and the Indiana Colts -go,Colts!- and now it's between the Philly Eagles and New Orleans Saints), and typing away to write this blog post.
My day (yesterday) started with 3 voice over recordings in the morning (one at 9:30, another at 10:30, and the last one at 11:30 -- I'm just happy that the studios that I recorded at were all within close proximity from each other), and ended with a co-hosting gig at the Philtrade Center with Gwynnie, for the 2ND Philippine Online Gaming Summit (or POGS), which was from 2 in the afternoon until 9 in the evening. Like I said, looong day.
It wasn't the first time for me to host such an event, but I'm always amused as to how some people who go there, particularly those who join the "CosPlay" (costume play), really take their hobby(?) very seriously. If you've never been to one of these things before, people who join the "CosPlay" really put time, effort, and money into their costumes -- they come dressed as their favorite character(s) from online games, animes, etc.
And, speaking of which, there was one whom I called "Butt-Floss Man". The pic below shows you why...

Well, he didn't win (the CosPlay). But he did manage to get quite the response from the audience and from the guy who was in charge of introducing the participants for the CosPlay.
The auditorium was packed since the morning. And the place got filled with more and more people as the day went on. I also heard that there were even those who had actually camped out the night before. Talk about really taking things way too seriously. I've never camped out for anything in my life, and I don't exactly know if I could ever do such a thing; and, if I ever did, I wonder what it would be for?
Ironically, I didn't get the chance to play a single online game though -- I never seem to at any of these events anyway, because I'm either too busy, or there are just way too many people playing, or both. Actually, another reason would be because I'm a little embarrassed to play in front of those who are there, due to the fact that, even though I'm a gamer, I'm nowhere near as good as the ones who go to these events and play the online games.
I'd have to say that one of the highlights for POGS would be the live performance from the ska band Jeepney Joyride, who are always very amusing to watch, what with their entertaining antics. Their songs are pretty cool,too. And speaking of cool, the other bands that performed also fall under that category. There was one band (or two) that I wasn't able to catch, since I got to the Philtrade Center at around noon -- but the guest bands for the event also included Hilera (who are always electrifying to watch and one of my favorites, they have a superb self-titled debut album), Narda (whose sound kind of remind me of Joan Jett And The Blackhearts and Yeah Yeah Yeahs) and Neotaku (an anime-inspired band that performed their version of the Super Mario Bros video game theme among other things -- I wish that they'd sung more of the other Japanese/anime tunes that I'm familiar with though).
'Nuff said.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


At the start of the first (work) week of ’07, I was whining and bitching about the fact that, like everyone else, I also had to return to the real world -- I was feeling a bit burned out (which is a reminder that everyone, including myself, should always take a break from time to time) from working my butt off even much harder than usual last year, and I was wishing I could just stay crawled up in bed the whole day, the whole week -- heck, forever. Not like that was ever possible, given that I’m a freelancer, and I don’t have the luxury of a guaranteed paycheck that comes every two weeks. Although I’m very happy to be fortunate that I never have to worry about gigs and mula because work always seem to come my way every day of every week of every month (thank you to the Man upstairs).
So now, it’s already the start of the second week of the New Year – jeez, time really goes by so damn quickly – and my griping is already lessening, as I’m oh-ever-so-slowly returning to my usual (work) routines, getting my, uhm, groove back (in a span of only a few days, I already had plenty of work : dubbing Wednesday night, a recording for an avp Thursday morning and dubbing afterwards, another avp recording Saturday afternoon, and, finally, dubbing again the whole day today since 10 in the morning -- and I have dubbing again this Wednesday, a possible voice over gig on Thursday and Friday, a recording on Friday, and a co-hosting gig on Saturday) -- another busy week.
And I started thinking about some, or all, of the New Year’s resolutions… that I’ll most likely break, like every year. Hehe.
• Tardiness -- I’ve somehow succumbed to the reality that I’ll always be late for something (but there are moments when I actually do arrive early, sometimes way too early, for something). So I thought, this year, I’ll try not to be too late. Already broken.
• Road Rage -- I remember that one of the worst incidents I’ve had in regards to this is when some ugly-ass, rich, Chinese dork driving an Expedition cut me off on the road. He caught me at a bad time and so I refused to let him get away with it. I drive an ’89, 12-valve Corolla, and it’s not exactly a fast car, compared to an Expedition, but I chased after him nonetheless, caught up with him, had my window rolled down, gave him the finger and sped off. Of course, I knew that traffic would catch up to me, and I knew so would he (we were in Ortigas and I made a right turn at the corner of Julia Vargas, which was where the traffic was). When he finally did, he rolled down his window and flashed his gun at me. Yup, his gun. Now I’m not really a brave guy, but, at that point, and I have no idea what I was thinking, I didn’t feel fear -- instead, what I did was I kept giving him the finger, with both hands! Fortunately for me he drove away.
• Get in shape -- also one of my resolutions from last year (and the year before that, and before that – well, you get the picture…). As proof of how out-of-shape I am, I’m already out of breath every time I climb up the stairs to my pad. And I’m only on the fourth floor. Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating a bit -- I’m not really out of breath, but I do feel a bit winded whenever I climb those (mere) four flights of steps. In other words, I’m out-of-shape.
• Take pictures -- I’ve never been one to take pictures, especially of myself. And I thought that, this year, I’d start doing that (more). I was looking at some of the pictures I had (of me hosting, hanging out with friends, etc), and I was a little sad because I didn’t really have a lot of these memories-on-photographs to look at when I’m older, to show to my kids (if I ever have any), etc. And I guess it’s perfect timing that I recently and finally bought a new cellular phone with a superb camera (I’d actually planned on buying a digital camera, but haven’t gotten around to it because I don’t exactly know yet what I want, so my Sony Ericsson K800i will have to do for now).
• Make my pad a place where I can actually invite people over. ‘Nuff said. Hehe.
• Trinity -- Since last year, I’ve been meaning to buy some more stuff for my car, which I love and have owned for several years now (it's my first car, and I've invested a lot in 'er), and would never sell Trinity even if I buy a new car (which I also plan to, this year I hope, depending on the job I’m waiting for). And one of those things would be a new and even more powerful sound system. I also want to get ‘er some new tires and magwheels, convert ‘em from my current 15” to either a 16” or 17” wheels. Get power-steering. Lower my ride. Do something with the interior. Get ‘er repainted (the shiny black needs to be…even shinier ). What can I say? Guys and their cars.
• Work hard as usual, but don’t overwork myself -- that’s something I did last year, kept accepting gigs left and right (I sometimes had gigs twice or thrice in a day) and it came to the point where I felt like I had bitten off more than I can chew, particularly with this rewriting-and-synching-scripts-for-(Spanish)- telenovelas-stint that I recently accepted (I was curious and I wanted the challenge of doing something that I’ve never done before, on a regular basis anyway)... as if I already didn't have enough things to do.
There are several more New Year’s resolutions, but these were the first ones that came to my so-called mind. And, as I said, these are resolutions I’ll most likely break again.Hehe.
‘Nuff said.

Friday, January 5, 2007


First things first -- thanks to my best friend who helped me put up this blog (and did a dry run as well-hehe). It's been ages since I'd been thinking about putting up a blog of my own (since it's one good way to let loose the crazy and sometimes nonesensical thoughts that roam around inside my so-called brain), but, unfortunately, for who-knows-how-long, the plan had remained just that...a plan. It took so long because of several reasons : one was due to the fact that I was so busy; another was I wanted to come up with a cool name for my blog (the name of this blog also is credited to my best friend Gwynnie); and other times was that I was too darn lazy -- everytime I'd log on to Blogger and start the process of putting up a blog, as soon as I start reading the instructions, my brain (as well as my, uh, desire, though I think that's too strong a word) suddenly just gives up. Toink.
But, finally, it's here. And I thought "what do I write as my first official post"? Honestly, I have no idea where this is going. I just thought that it would be fun to start typing away anything and everything that comes to (my co-called) mind.
The process of setting up this blog was interesting to say the least. It finally started in the early morning of January 1, 2007 -- I was at the home of my best bud and her hubby (which is where I always spend my Christmas and New Year's Eve), in the middle of a drinking and poker session (I was the one doing most of the drinking as I, at the end of said drinking session, had managed to consume an entire bottle of Jose Cuervo all by my lonesome)-- Gwynnie, after being the first to loose all her (poker) chips, decided to tinker around with hubby Ld's Mac, and she sat down and finally started doing the thing that I was supposed to have done eons ago (which is to set up this blog). Unfortunately, due to being laced with her fave vodka (hehe), she couldn't remember what she did (I think she forgot the password) and we couldn't access my blog. For the next several days. Until now. (I believe) she put a new account and voila!...actually, it took me several hours before I FINALLY was able to log in. I don't know if it was whether I (still) use dial-up (and am probably the only one left on this planet using the darn thing), or whether it was Blogger or Google or whatever, but it was so frustratingly difficult for me to access my blog account. It took several hours. No kidding. But, finally, I got through. Writing my first blog post. That doesn't really make any sense.
Thanks again, Gwynnie.
'Nuff said.

Welcome To Neo's World!

Yes, there is no spoon.

And yes, this is Neo's blog.

Read away and...

... Welcome to my world.

I am THE one.