Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Besides tv, watching movies is also one of the things I’m into as a means of relaxation, and every year, at the start of the New Year, I usually try to get my movie-watching for the year started on a high or good note, so to speak. Unfortunately, this year, it would seem that I haven’t had much luck. When ’07 clocked in, when foreign movies finally opened, there really wasn’t anything interesting to see, so I waited for a little over a week before I finally went out to go watch a movie. Actually, I wanted to wait a little longer, but it had been a week, and I wanted to go see something. Anything. It was slim pickings.

ERAGON. It was my first movie for 2007. And I wish I’d seen something else. But then again, it was the best pick in the litter. I already knew that this wasn’t going to be good the moment I saw the trailer last year. Even the title for the movie -- blech. I mean, sure, it was the name of the lead character, but still…! Speaking of the title character, the actor who plays him, and, incidentally, makes his film debut -Edward Speelers- was so squeaky clean! While everyone around him were either so dirty or had SOME dirt on their face or clothing, he looked as if he was a member of some boy band. It also doesn’t help that he can't exactly act. I especially found this certain look (or reaction) he had at some scenes when he would react to something or someone (saying something), irritating. Actually, the movie wasn’t all THAT bad (it probably helped that the trailers already conditioned me into thinking that this was going to suck), but one helping of it was enough for me. The ending would suggest a sequel. But, considering how much money this movie made – NOT – I don’t think we’re going to see one. Then again, Underworld (starring my hot mama Kate Beckinsale) underperformed at the box-office, but it had been touted as a trilogy, and a second movie was still made (as I’m sure a third one will).

BLOOD DIAMOND. A bit long and tiring. Tiring because of the subject matter. I’m an idiot when it comes to a lot of things, so I didn’t realize just HOW serious the problem was with conflict diamonds, or what was going on at Sierra Leon, etc – and the message of just HOW serious things were was ingrained into the minds of the audience, as almost every scene was quite painfully portrayed. And it’s in that aspect that makes it pretty tiring to sit through this movie (the length also doesn’t help).

GRIFFIN AND PHOENIX. Another title that was hokey for me. But, after Blood Diamond, I wanted to see something more uplifting. Well, it was either this or some Jackie Chan movie called “Rob B Hood”. Duh. (Okay, so maybe I’ll still go see that movie just the same, if it was still showing in theaters and I have nothing else to watch) I’ve never seen the trailer to this one, so I checked out the poster and the movie apparently starred Dermot Mulroney and one of my favorite pretty gals, Amanda Peet. I assumed that this was a romantic comedy. If not a comedy, then it was a love story for sure. Well, I found out, a comedy it definitely was not. Neither was it uplifting. The premise? It was about two people who face a seemingly insurmountable obstacle that stand between them and a last chance at love. From the get-go, you already know how this is going to end, and so it makes it difficult to root for the leads, inspite of their otherwise very positive outlook on things. It does have its moments, but I honestly feel that the movie probably could have been much better at the hands of a more able director (it was helmed by first-time director Ed Stone). Maybe. At least the songs that appeared in the flick were pretty nice.

Like I said, still no luck. Fortunately, there are new movies out this week, including Déjà vu (starring Denzel Washington) and, I think, Night At The Museum (with Ben Stiller). Hopefully, I'll get to see my first good movie for the year this week.
‘Nuff said.

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