Tuesday, January 9, 2007


At the start of the first (work) week of ’07, I was whining and bitching about the fact that, like everyone else, I also had to return to the real world -- I was feeling a bit burned out (which is a reminder that everyone, including myself, should always take a break from time to time) from working my butt off even much harder than usual last year, and I was wishing I could just stay crawled up in bed the whole day, the whole week -- heck, forever. Not like that was ever possible, given that I’m a freelancer, and I don’t have the luxury of a guaranteed paycheck that comes every two weeks. Although I’m very happy to be fortunate that I never have to worry about gigs and mula because work always seem to come my way every day of every week of every month (thank you to the Man upstairs).
So now, it’s already the start of the second week of the New Year – jeez, time really goes by so damn quickly – and my griping is already lessening, as I’m oh-ever-so-slowly returning to my usual (work) routines, getting my, uhm, groove back (in a span of only a few days, I already had plenty of work : dubbing Wednesday night, a recording for an avp Thursday morning and dubbing afterwards, another avp recording Saturday afternoon, and, finally, dubbing again the whole day today since 10 in the morning -- and I have dubbing again this Wednesday, a possible voice over gig on Thursday and Friday, a recording on Friday, and a co-hosting gig on Saturday) -- another busy week.
And I started thinking about some, or all, of the New Year’s resolutions… that I’ll most likely break, like every year. Hehe.
• Tardiness -- I’ve somehow succumbed to the reality that I’ll always be late for something (but there are moments when I actually do arrive early, sometimes way too early, for something). So I thought, this year, I’ll try not to be too late. Already broken.
• Road Rage -- I remember that one of the worst incidents I’ve had in regards to this is when some ugly-ass, rich, Chinese dork driving an Expedition cut me off on the road. He caught me at a bad time and so I refused to let him get away with it. I drive an ’89, 12-valve Corolla, and it’s not exactly a fast car, compared to an Expedition, but I chased after him nonetheless, caught up with him, had my window rolled down, gave him the finger and sped off. Of course, I knew that traffic would catch up to me, and I knew so would he (we were in Ortigas and I made a right turn at the corner of Julia Vargas, which was where the traffic was). When he finally did, he rolled down his window and flashed his gun at me. Yup, his gun. Now I’m not really a brave guy, but, at that point, and I have no idea what I was thinking, I didn’t feel fear -- instead, what I did was I kept giving him the finger, with both hands! Fortunately for me he drove away.
• Get in shape -- also one of my resolutions from last year (and the year before that, and before that – well, you get the picture…). As proof of how out-of-shape I am, I’m already out of breath every time I climb up the stairs to my pad. And I’m only on the fourth floor. Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating a bit -- I’m not really out of breath, but I do feel a bit winded whenever I climb those (mere) four flights of steps. In other words, I’m out-of-shape.
• Take pictures -- I’ve never been one to take pictures, especially of myself. And I thought that, this year, I’d start doing that (more). I was looking at some of the pictures I had (of me hosting, hanging out with friends, etc), and I was a little sad because I didn’t really have a lot of these memories-on-photographs to look at when I’m older, to show to my kids (if I ever have any), etc. And I guess it’s perfect timing that I recently and finally bought a new cellular phone with a superb camera (I’d actually planned on buying a digital camera, but haven’t gotten around to it because I don’t exactly know yet what I want, so my Sony Ericsson K800i will have to do for now).
• Make my pad a place where I can actually invite people over. ‘Nuff said. Hehe.
• Trinity -- Since last year, I’ve been meaning to buy some more stuff for my car, which I love and have owned for several years now (it's my first car, and I've invested a lot in 'er), and would never sell Trinity even if I buy a new car (which I also plan to, this year I hope, depending on the job I’m waiting for). And one of those things would be a new and even more powerful sound system. I also want to get ‘er some new tires and magwheels, convert ‘em from my current 15” to either a 16” or 17” wheels. Get power-steering. Lower my ride. Do something with the interior. Get ‘er repainted (the shiny black needs to be…even shinier ). What can I say? Guys and their cars.
• Work hard as usual, but don’t overwork myself -- that’s something I did last year, kept accepting gigs left and right (I sometimes had gigs twice or thrice in a day) and it came to the point where I felt like I had bitten off more than I can chew, particularly with this rewriting-and-synching-scripts-for-(Spanish)- telenovelas-stint that I recently accepted (I was curious and I wanted the challenge of doing something that I’ve never done before, on a regular basis anyway)... as if I already didn't have enough things to do.
There are several more New Year’s resolutions, but these were the first ones that came to my so-called mind. And, as I said, these are resolutions I’ll most likely break again.Hehe.
‘Nuff said.


Vikkicar said...

Take pix, you can be like Monica Geller. Hee. And your car's name is Trinity eh? Hee. Guys and their cars, indeed. Si LD lang yata hindi mahilig sa kotse. Hee. Happy 2007 and yes 2nd week into it and man...time really is fast no? We just have to keep up and go along with it. God Bless.

manonica said...

I never make resolutions. Always break 'em anyways. Boo to me.

Neo said...

I know exactly what you mean,Gwynnie. As far as I can remember, I've ALWAYS broken whatever New Year's resolution(s) I've made. Hehe. But I feel that it's always nice, though (utterly) useless (for me), to have some...uh..."yearly goals". Haha.